Browsing From the desk of Fr. Tharp

First Sunday of Lent


Celebrant for Next Sunday Morning     February 25, 2018    Celebrant: Fr. Schmitz     


Lenten Devotions


I will have Stations of the Cross and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Ann on Friday evenings at 7:00 p.m. during Lent (not Good Friday).  I will have Stations of the Cross and Benediction at Sacred Heart each Sunday during Lent at 3:00 p.m.  The Lay Presiders (lay men and women) of Sacred Heart will also have Stations of the Cross (without benediction) at Sacred Heart on the Fridays of Lent (not Good Friday) at 7:00 p.m.


The Light is On Program


The Light is On Program this year is Tuesday, February 27.  As many Catholic Churches as possible will have doors open and lights on from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.  At present, I will hear confessions at Sacred Heart starting at the regular Tuesday evening time of 6:30 p.m. and running until 9:00 p.m.  We also have a priest who will hear confessions from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at St. Ann.  This is an especially good time to invite those fallen away to come back to the Church. 


Vacation Bible School


One of the highlights of the summer for me is the one week Vacation Bible School at St. Ann.  This year Sacred Heart will join St. Ann in our Pastoral Region VBS to take place at St. Ann.  I am looking for Virtus trained and approved volunteers who will help with this joint program.  I am asking parents from Sacred Heart and St. Ann to consider this your “home parish” Vacation Bible School.  If you have not been Virtus approved, we will provide plenty of opportunities locally.  For additional information, see notices in this bulletin.


Lenten Dietary Fast and Abstinence Rules


During Lent, Catholics are asked to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays during Lent, and fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.  Abstinence simply means “abstaining from meat.”  The flesh of mammals and birds (essentially any animal that is warm blooded) is considered meat.  The flesh of reptiles, fish (cold blooded), bird “eggs” and cheese are not considered meat.  The chicken itself is warm blooded and thus is considered meat. Anyone fourteen years of age or older who will not be physically harmed by the diet is asked to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays during Lent. 


We define fasting for Lenten purposes as meaning eating only one regular meal and two smaller meals or snacks, with no eating between meals.  Fasting only applies on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and then only to those between the ages of 18 and 59 who have no medical problem aggravated by the practice. 


Catholic Ministries Appeal   CMA


If you have not done so already, please consider a gift or a pledge to the CMA.  Please use the materials mailed to you or take one of the CMA envelopes available at church and make your pledge or donation.  Please note you have the option for an Electronic Transfer of Funds if you wish, as well as the option to use a credit card.  If you wish to mail your envelope, please place a stamp and mail, but please also feel free to bring it and drop it into the collection basket at church.  Either method is fine.


The higher the participation rate at each parish, the easier it is for each parish to make its target.   If every parish does its part, the Archdiocese can fund the programs that serve the Archdiocese as a whole.  Your gift combined with many others, allows the Archdiocese to keep these vital programs funded.  Thanks for your prayerful consideration of this worthy cause.


Reflection on Scripture


“Repent and believe in the gospel.”  In the reading from Genesis today, God tells Noah that every time he sees a rainbow, he should remember the covenant between God and humanity.  After John the Baptist had been arrested, Jesus comes on scene proclaiming the fulfillment of the covenant between God and man.  Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of that covenant.  Jesus is both fully human and fully Divine.   We call this the hypostatic union. The Word of God has been made flesh and dwells among us.  God empties Himself to become human, so that humanity can be brought to immortality in Christ. 


St. Peter reminds us that in baptism we die to sin and are reborn in the Holy Spirit.   Baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, humanity has been reconciled to God in Jesus Christ.  Baptism points us to our destiny.  Eternal life is the promise in Jesus Christ.


Readings for the Second Sunday in Lent


Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18

Rom 8:31b-34

Mk 9:2-10


Theme: Transfiguration









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