Browsing From the desk of Fr. Tharp

The Ascension of the Lord

From the Desk of Father Tharp

Sunday Morning Masses     May 20, 2018          Celebrant: Fr. Schmitz     



 Nota Bene:


Fr. Schmitz is unavailable Sunday, May 13 and Sunday, May 27.  It is very difficult to find a priest comfortable with three Masses in a row at Sacred Heart, so we will utilize guest priests at St. Ann on the two aforementioned Sundays.  It is much easier to get a celebrant who will do two Masses in a row, rather than three.  This seems the most reasonable solution.


Pre-Baptism Class


If you are a first time parent or a parent who has not previously attended our Pastoral Region Pre-Baptism Class and you have an infant to be baptized, please join me at 8:00 p.m. on the second Monday of each month (May 13) in the basement of Sacred Heart Church for the Pre-Baptism Program.  Attendance will provide you with a form to register a time and date for your child’s baptism, useful information regarding godparents, and other FAQs.   There is no need to register for the class.  Please simply arrive a little before 8:00 p.m.


Building for the Future at St. Ann


I have six people who have volunteered for the St. Ann Building Committee.  Scott and I met with some people in December 2017 to get phase one generic prices on ductless HVAC unit installations for the school.  We were not asking for bids, but are asking for generic numbers as well as anticipated utility enhancement necessary to run the units short term, as well as to be ready for phase 3, the possible inclusion of a gymnasium.  As our inquiries have not resulted in any responses, I plan to involve the members of the building committee in the accumulation of preliminary data.  


The steps we will follow will be to secure the preliminary unit costs and utility enhancements necessary for the entire project.  With the assistance of the fundraising expert, we will design a “feasibility study” instrument.  We will then request permission from the Archdiocese to have a vote on the feasibility study based on recent operating surplus (or we hope not deficits) that will show we are able to afford the operational cost of an expanded campus.  Assuming we are able to conduct the feasibility study, we can better determine the anticipated time weighted value of the cash we will need to collect azs well as the likely availability of these funds.  This will determine the pace at which we proceed. 


If you have architectural or building trades experience and would like to join the first meeting of the building committee, please email me your name and email address.  My best email address is frtharp@sacredheart-fairfield.org.


I am sorry for the delay in movement since December.  I have been busy and have not held the contractor’s feet to the fire.  This is why I want to use the committee to see to it that we move forward at a more reasonable pace.


Gift Card Sales


Gift cards are sold both at Sacred Heart and St. Ann for the benefit of each respective school.  Purchasing a $25 dollar gift card costs you $25.  The companies sell these gift cards to the churches at a discount.  The volunteers sell them to you at face value, and in each case, the earnings go to the schools, either through the PTS at Sacred Heart, or directly into the fund used for the school at St. Ann.  This is “free money” for both parish schools.  If you know you are going to spend “x” number of dollars at a particular vendor; why not pay for it with a gift card and help direct this “free money” to your respective school.


Vacation Bible School


This year Sacred Heart will join St. Ann in our Pastoral Region Vacation Bible School to take place at St. Ann.  We are now registering students for VBS.  Please see registration process defined in this bulletin.


Reflection on Scripture


The Feast of the Ascension used to be celebrated by snuffing out the Easter Candle during the first reading.  There was always a certain sadness that the resurrected Lord had gone to Heaven while we were left “looking up.”  But the Feast of the Ascension is really an affirmation that we are an eschatological people.    Our lives should be spent “looking up” both symbolically and spiritually.  We are looking up because we believe in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  We know not the day or the hour, but we have the word of Jesus the Son of God that he will return.  The Ascension is a symbol that we are a people not content with living only for today, but always looking to the future Second Coming.  Spiritually we strive through prayer, Scripture, and reception of the Sacraments to prepare and be ready so we are not caught off guard.


For us as Catholics, the Ascension says, “I know where I am going.”  Let’s live like eschatologically inspired people; always looking forward to the Second Coming. 


Readings for Feast of Pentecost


Acts 2:1-11

1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13

Jn 20:19-23


Theme: “Ruah Elohim”













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