Browsing From the desk of Fr. Tharp


Confessions at St. Ann

It has proven impossible for me to hear confessions at St. Ann on Saturday Afternoon at 3:30 p.m. and still be ready for Mass at Sacred Heart at 4:00 p.m.   I have looked at alternative times but every timeslot I have considered has so many conflicts and exceptions that it will never become regularized in our minds.  For the time being, I will try to hear confessions for 15 minutes (from 3:30-4:30 p.m.) on Saturday afternoons while we still search for a priest who would do them regularly.  I promise that on the Sundays I am at St. Ann (every other Sunday), I will be in the confessional for a half hour before the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.   I wish I could find another evening or late afternoon that would work, but there are so many exceptions on every day that we could not have a regular schedule.  In the meantime, we will continue to look for a Saturday afternoon priest who could do confessions at St. Ann.  Remember I have confessions every Tuesday at Sacred Heart from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday Morning at Sacred Heart from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. 


Sunday Mass Regular Schedule at St. Ann and Sacred Heart

Remember that the Bishops of Ohio have released all Ohio Catholics from the Sunday precept obligation.  If you are ill, please watch from home.  If you are medically compromised by illness or age, please don’t take unnecessary risks, but shelter at home.  We will continue to provide a weekly Sunday Mass on our Youtube channel either from Sacred Heart or from St. Ann.  Remember that you can access our Youtube channel  either from your computer, your smart TV, or your internet activated smartphone. 


The Sunday Mass schedules for Masses at St. Ann and Sacred Heart will remain as they have been, as will the weekday schedule. 


Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

With COVID restrictions somewhat relaxed, Sacred Heart again invites you from 12:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.  There are no specific number restrictions, but you must wear a mask the entire time and you must properly social space. 


Alternative to Vacation Bible School tradition at St. Ann

Since VBS cannot be held on the grounds of St. Ann this year due to COVID-19, we will be providing a "virtual VBS" for you and your family to participate in at your own convenience this summer! The link  provided will allow you to take part in the program between now and the end of August. Coloring pages, music, videos, games, lessons, and more will be available through this link.  We encourage you to set aside a week this summer to allow your kids to experience the program as closely as possible to how they would normally experience VBS in person.  Although we wish we could be with all of you this year, we hope this helps you and your family grow closer to Jesus this summer while we are apart.  We look forward to seeing everyone for VBS in Summer 2021. 


Reflection on Scripture Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 

Don’t let your faith in God be concealed.  Jesus says to us in today’s gospel that everything now secret will be shouted from the rooftops.  Don’t seek to conceal your identity thinking you can get away with something.  When you stand before the Lord on judgment day, he sees every moment in your life, every thought that has gone through your head in every year you have lived.  A timeless God has no statute of limitations on sin, guilt or grace.  An eternal God cares little for temporalities, successes, or limitations.  God favors those whose hearts belong to him.  If we live in Jesus Christ, the more we draw closer to him; the more we find perfection in him who accepts us in our imperfections. 


Humans cannot fly without an airplane, a balloon, a parachute, or a rocket ship.  Nevertheless, we have pilots who spend the majority of their hours of living in the air.  They cannot fly or leave the ground by themselves, but they can fly with an instrument to lift them.  Without Jesus our hearts remain earthbound.  But if we live in Jesus Christ, then  we are freed to follow our destiny in Jesus Christ and our home in Heaven. 


Don’t conceal who you are!  Let Jesus Christ live in you.  If you live in him and let him live in you, Jesus will recognize you with a big grin on judgment day.  And that’s what ultimate success means.


Next WeekThirteenth  Sunday in Ordinary Time     


2 Kgs 4:8-11, 14-16a

Rom 6:3-4, 8-11

Mt. 10:37-42


Theme:  It’s the little things that count! 




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