Browsing From the desk of Fr. Tharp

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Desk of Father Tharp

Sunday Morning Masses     November 18, 2018          Celebrant: Fr. Schmitz



Veterans Day


As followers of Christ we should always honor bravery and devotion to that which is right and good.  Today we say a special “thank you” to all who served honorably in our US Armed Forces.  A grateful nation says, “Thank you for your service.”


Financial report for Sacred Heart


We will distribute the financial report for fiscal year 2017/2018 for Sacred Heart at the precept Masses on November 17 & 18.  Thanks to all for your continued extraordinary generosity.


Financial report for St. Ann


We will distribute the financial report for fiscal year 2017/2018 for St. Ann at the precept Masses on November 24 & 25.  Thanks to all for your continued extraordinary generosity.


Campaign for Human Development


The special collection for this long standing USCCB social action initiative will take place on the weekend of November 17 & 18.  This is a second collection taken up at all parishes in the Archdiocese.


Reflection on Scripture


Betraying one’s moral authority is a horrible sin of scandal.  Giving good example on the other hand shows moral authority.  What we do or fail to do has a profound and decided impact on others.  Elijah encouraged the widow of Zarephath to put all she had on the line for God.  In the gospel, Jesus praises the widow for the significance of her small donation (mite).  It is not just proportionally more than others gave; she gave from the heart.  She sacrificed motivated by compassion!  


Charity is not just defined by what we give away.  Rather it is distinguished by what we throw away!  We must throw away greed, selfishness, and all that attaches us to the things of this world.  Charity is a most useful evangelical tool.  If you live charity, you are living Christ.  Live with Christ in this world, and you are sure to live with him forever in Paradise. 


Next Weekend: Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dn 12:1-3

Heb 10:11-14

Mk 13:24-32


Theme:   The eschatological theme of “Be Prepared”
















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