Next Sunday: Christmas Celebrant : Saturday: Fr. Tharp Sunday: Fr. Williams
Schedule of Precept Masses for Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24)
3:00 p.m. Sacred Heart Fr. Tharp
5:00 p.m. St. Ann Fr. Tharp
7:00 p.m. Sacred Heart Unsure
10:00 p.m. St. Ann Fr. Tharp
12:00 a.m. Sacred Heart Fr. Tharp
Christmas Day Masses (Sunday, December 25)
Regular Sunday Schedule: Fr. Tharp is at Sacred Heart
Fr. Williams is at St. Ann
Confessions at special times
We will have multiple opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) the week of December 18. I will have confessions at Sacred Heart on Monday, December 19 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. On Tuesday, December 20, I will have the usual confessions from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at St. Ann, and Fr. Williams will hear confessions at the same time at Sacred Heart. On Thursday, I will hear confessions at Sacred Heart from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Fr. Williams will hear confessions at St. Ann at the same time. I will hear confessions as usual on Saturday morning (December 24) at Sacred Heart from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. or a little longer if necessary.
As in past years, we will have two Christmas Eve Masses at Sacred Heart, two Christmas Eve Masses at St. Ann, and Midnight at Sacred Heart. Masses on Sunday, Christmas Day will follow the regular Sunday Schedule. Full schedules for Confessions and Christmas Masses are available at the doors of church.
Archbishop to Host a Six Week Video Series on the Eucharist
Archbishop Schnurr will host a six week video study available to the public starting Sunday, January 8 and concluding Sunday, February 12. You may sign up anytime now before the New Year begins by going to Promotion and sign-up for these video studies will take place during December. This will provide a wonderful opportunity for families and individuals to come to more fully understand the Church’s teaching on transubstantiation (aka the Real Presence).
Beacons of Light
Nota Bene! As part of the Beacons process, both St. Ann and Sacred Heart will be participating in a program called “Disciple Maker Index.” This will allow every registered individual, couple, or family to express their feelings about a variety of topics pertinent to the Beacons of Light Planning Process. So as to not cost a small fortune, the Catholic Leadership Institute will conduct these inquiries via email. However, this can only work if we are sure the parish office has your correct email address. During the next two months, (December and January) the CLI Company will provide the mechanism to verify your email address so you will be included in all the ongoing discussions. Please keep a sharp eye for further instructions.
Also; Parish Councils at both St. Ann and Sacred Heart have authorized a job posting for the position of Director of Evangelization. The following is the official “job posting” for the paid employee position of “Director of Evangelization.”
The Family of Parishes currently known as “The Sacred Heart, Fairfield / St. Ann, Hamilton Family of Parishes” is seeking a Director of Evangelization. The Director of Evangelization is responsible for supervising and managing the Evangelization Team at Sacred Heart / St. Ann Family of Parishes. The Evangelization Team includes but is not limited to the Associate Directors for Infant Baptism, RCIA / RCIC, First Reconciliation, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Adult Education, Mission Commission, Bereavement Ministry, Small Faith Communities and Discussion Groups, Ministry to the Hearing Impaired, Senior Ministry; coordination of efforts of parish organizations (such as “Woman of Faith, Women Together, Rosary Society, Foot Ministry, Pro Life Ministry, Mom’s with Babes Ministry”); as well as Catholic organizations not under the direct control of the pastor such as “Knights of Columbus Roettele Council 8115, Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree, Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary” as well as other groups like the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, etc. The Evangelization Team is responsible for all efforts of accompanying youth, adults, and families throughout the Process of Evangelization so that the parish is creating missionary disciples. The Director of Evangelization must be able under the authority of the Pastor to articulate and implement a clear vision / mission for Evangelization of parents, youth, staff, and parishioners.
Strongly prefer a Master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry, Religious Studies, Theology, Religious Education, or related field, or commensurate ministry experience. Must have spiritual maturity, defined as a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church who is faithful to the Magisterium, consistent in ones prayer life, regularly receiving the sacraments, and able to speak of one’s relationship with Jesus. Must have a broad understanding of and ability to articulate Church teaching regarding evangelization, catechesis, prayer, sacraments, and ecclesiology. Must have experience mentoring and accompanying adults at different stages of the discipleship path. Must be able to pray in front of and with others, to lead and participate in spontaneous prayer. Must be able to communicate effectively with a wide variety of people, using the spoken word, both within one-on-one coaching/apprenticing situations and in large group settings. As is always the case in a working team setting, the person must possess and exhibit a cooperative, consultative, consolatory approach in all personal interactions.
Anyone wishing to apply by U.S. Mail or E-mail, please send resume to the Office of the Pastor:
Father Larry R. Tharp
Sacred Heart / St. Ann Families
400 Nilles Road
Fairfield, Ohio 45014
Remember: The suggested structure under the Beacons initiative recommends three key “lay” positions in every “Family” structure directly responsible to the pastor. These include the aforementioned Director of Evangelization, a Director of Administration, and a Director of Worship. It is my intention to expand to a fourth ”Director” position working closely with the Director of Administration, but will function as Director of Real Estate and Physical Assets. I believe three of the four “Director positions” can be filled by promotion from within. I believe that the Director of Evangelization will need to be hired through a thorough “search” and open-listed employment process.
For a Family of Parishes having one or more parochial schools, a process is being designed by the Archdiocesan School Office to assist each new “Family of Parishes” with procedures and processes designed to help the parishioners of the Family to discern organizational structures that will best suit the ongoing educational needs of all as individual students and as parish youth in general. Each situation will be unique and will require “thinking outside the box.”
Eucharistic Display created by Blessed Carlo Acutis
The Women of Faith group is sponsoring Eucharistic Miracle posters created by Blessed Carlo Acutis, who died of Leukemia at age 15, but had created a website displaying these accumulated Eucharistic miracles from throughout the world. There is little doubt that when canonized, he will almost certainly become the patron of the internet and social media. Remember that the three stages or “cause of sainthood” to having one’s name placed on the “list” or “canon” of Saints in Rome starts with the title “Venerable, “ moves to the title “Blessed, ” and then after miraculous interventions is verified by the Holy See, the pope may name the person to the “list” or “canon” of titled “Saint.”
To encourage especially the young to take note of these posters, the Women together have created a raffle for those who take note of each poster throughout the next year.
Re-introduction of Precious Blood at Communion
We are continuing to re-introduce communion under both species at as many Masses as possible. Therefore, as of Christmas Day, we believe we have distributors lined up for two cups at all three Sunday Masses at Sacred Heart. For the time being we only have distributors for the cup at the 11:00 a.m. Mass at St. Ann. Again, we can only do this to the degree we have enough Eucharistic ministers willing to do cups at the various precept Masses.
I keep running this article because there are new scams everyday
Remember I NEVER solicit funds, donations, favors, or any request of any kind over the telephone, text, email, carrier pigeon, drone, etc. NEVER! Do not allow yourself to be taken in by scammers. Even if they have my recorded voice, be assured it is computer generated fake! It is not me!!!
Reminder for volunteers who work with or around children
Please be aware that failure to register with and complete the requirements of Safe Parish will result in your inability to continue to work with or around children in any parish and/or school setting. We have been informed by the Archdiocese that there can be NO EXCEPTIONS.
Live Streaming for Precept Masses
Please remember to access the Sacred Heart / St. Ann Pastoral Region You Tube site by clicking on the following link:
Reflection on Scripture:
St. Joseph is often seen as a supporting cast member in the story of the birth of Jesus, but today’s gospel reveals how pivotal and important he is. Joseph must have been emotionally devastated, frightened, bewildered, and a hundred other emotions all at the same time. Still, he did what the angel told him God wanted him to do. The courage of the man was extraordinary. He understood God’s message and he did what he was supposed to do!
Doing the right thing is rarely easy or comfortable; but it is necessary if we wish to fulfill God’s destiny for us. As we approach Christmas, let us confirm our prayer of loyalty to God by seeking to choose the “narrow road.” It is an act of trust in God and a powerful example that doing the right thing is the right thing to do.
NEXT WEEK Christmas Day
Is 52:7-10
Heb 1:1-6
Matthew 1:18-24
Theme: Emmanuel