Chaplet of Divine Mercy
The pastoral region of St. Ann and Sacred Heart will celebrate the Chaplet of Divine Mercy this Sunday, April 23 at 3:00 p.m. at St. Ann Church. Bring a rosary to count the decades. If you wish to enhance your experience of celebrating the sung Chaplet of Divine Mercy, listen to it being prayed on Sacred Heart Radio or pull it up with your browser on the internet.
Children’s First Holy Communion
First Holy Communion for the children of St. Ann is April 30 in the afternoon. First Holy Communion at Sacred Heart is May 6 & 7. Please prayerfully remember our children that they may have a memorable experience to begin a lifetime of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
A Head’s Up
This is just a reminder that all active priests of the Archdiocese are required to attend the convocation in Columbus from June 19 to June 22. There will be no availability for morning Masses or even Funeral Masses on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday June 20-22. I will try to make provision at each parish for a communion service each day. Funerals will of necessity be delayed.
Reflection on Scripture
Thomas is remembered for being the disciple who refused to believe in the Resurrection of Jesus until he had incontrovertible and personal evidence. So Jesus comes into the locked room and presents Thomas with the evidence. Thomas gets bad PR for being uncompromising in his desire for certainty. Jesus instructs “Blessed are they who have not seen and have believed.” I took Thomas as my Confirmation name many years ago precisely because I understood and sympathized with his skepticism.
Remember in your study of this scripture that John was writing to the early Church. His reference to the Thomas story reminds us that there were many in the early Church who would not believe until they had proof that Jesus physically rose from the dead. What Thomas was really saying to them was that he was not going to believe in the supernatural resurrection until he had scientific or tangible proof of physical bodily resurrection. Science assesses empirical or rational “probabilities” whereas Faith assesses the revelation of “truth.” Jesus shows us that there is more to being a person of faith than data or evidence. Science cannot access proof that is beyond the physical; that is faith. Faith allows us to see the practicality of resurrection if you believe the messenger of resurrection; namely Jesus. Faith is that tool which allows us to see through the veil of that which is beyond the physical. The resurrected Jesus is beyond the physical world of time and space, but he nonetheless entered physical reality so he could rise from the dead. Jesus is the truth. The truth (in this case) is beyond the boundaries of physical science. Possibility turns to probability and then certainty of faith when confirmed by Jesus Christ.
Readings for Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 2:14, 22-33
1 Pt 1:12-21
Lk 24:13-35
Theme: Emmaus