Browsing From the desk of Fr. Tharp

July 18, 2021 - Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Next Sunday:   Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time          Celebrant :  Fr. Tharp


Attention parish or school volunteers who work with or around children


The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has moved from using the “Virtus” Child Protection program to the “Safe Parish” program.   If you have done the Virtus training and have keep up to date on all your monthly bulletins, you should have received an email instruction as to how to reapply under the new program. If you are up to date on all bulletins, your eligibility should automatically transfer.   IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE AN EMAIL MESSAGE, chances are that you were not up to date in your Virtus training and your eligibility to work with children did NOT transfer.  If this is the case, please contact your local parish Safe Environment Coordinator as to what is necessary for you to be eligible to work with or around children in any Archdiocesan location. 


The following is the message or instruction you should have received:

Hello and welcome to the new Archdiocese of Cincinnati Child Protection platform — SafeParish™. As an active child protection account holder, you must register for your SafeParish™ account to continue to work and volunteer in the Archdiocese. If you have completed your background and training requirements, that information will be imported to your SafeParish™ account and no additional background or training will be required.

If you are a new employee or volunteer, please register for your SafeParish™ account and complete your background and training requirements. Check with your local parish Safe Environment Coordinator for Registration instructions.

Beacons of Light


The future planning process to determine the changes in parish organization structure of the entire Archdiocese of Cincinnati (to be implemented on or before 2025) continues to move forward.  Please reference the Beacons of Light web page at: https://catholicaoc.org/beacons-of-light.    Another option is to type “Beacons of Light” into your favorite search engine.  It is expected that the beginnings of the discussions with the general parishioner population of the Archdiocese will begin this Fall. 


I encourage everyone to check this website out now and frequently as the process moves forward; and pray for this important initiative. 


Live Streaming a precept Mass from St. Ann and Sacred Heart each week 


Even though the dispensation for the precept of Sunday Mass attendance has now been revoked, live streaming will continue for the sick, shut-ins, and others unable to come to Mass.  Please remember to access the Sacred Heart / St. Ann Pastoral Region You Tube site by clicking on the following link:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVLLqbEY5hKWinwz069MVcg


Reflection on Scripture:


When I was Director of Financial Services at the Archdiocese, I also served on the board of a Captive Catholic Reinsurance Company (TNCRRG) of which the Archdiocese of Cincinnati was a member; and thus flew every couple weeks to a meeting somewhere in the US.  Once I had a mid-week meeting and made a connection (if I remember correctly) at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport.  While running from a high number gate to a lower number gate to make the connection, one of the airport security persons yelled, “Hey Fr. Tharp.”   I stopped in my tracks and the woman yelled, “I have relatives in Cincinnati and we attended your Mass last Sunday.”   The moral I take from this story is: No matter how far from home you are or what you are doing; “Be good!”  


In today’s gospel selection, Jesus tries to get away on a brief vacation with the disciples.  The people figure out where he is going and beat him to the destination.  Jesus takes it in stride and begins to teach them.  After all, Jesus is a good teacher, and good shepherd!  His responsibility always supersedes his issues of personal comfort. 


As members of the Body of Christ, we are always teaching; whether we want to be or not!  We have a responsibility to give good example (not bad) at all the time.  There are no vacations from living our faith and being faithful to the moral teachings of Jesus Christ..  There are no excuses for behavior unbecoming a Christian.  What excuse are we going to give the Lord on Judgment Day?  “But Lord, I was on vacation!”


Next Week17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


2 Kgs 4:42-44

Eph 4:1-6

Jn 6:1-15


Theme:  Multiplication of the loaves and fish!










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