St. Ann Building for the Future
We had an informational meeting October 28 after the 5:15 p.m. Mass at St. Ann. The materials presented are contained in a two page report available at the doors. The unanimous consensus of those present was to secure more accurate numbers for a “phased project” approach. It seems precipitous at this time to spend $20,000 for a professional Financial Feasibility Study when all preliminary numbers point to the probability that St. Ann could (under the best scenario) hope to collect less than half the money necessary for the full project. Why spend $20,000 just to confirm the obvious?
The unanimous consensus was that we secure various sizes and material types for a reduced gymnasium/parish hall only and divide even this lower number in phases so that no demolition or construction could proceed until the money for that phase is in hand.
After we secure better numbers for a reduced and phased project, the parish will vote on whether it is time to spend the money for a financial feasibility study for a phased project. Please refer to a copy of the Meeting Notes for further information as to what was presented at the meeting.
As one person at the meeting put it, “It is not practical to do nothing, but it would be imprudent for us to put ourselves under the burden of a debt from which it might be impossible to recover.” St. Thomas said, “Veritas in medio stat.” The best answer (truth) usually stands in the middle.
Memorial Masses for Deceased Loved Ones weekend of November 11 & 12
We will remember those deceased buried from St. Ann during the past year at the Masses on the weekend of November 11 & 12. See the bulletin for further details.
Annual Fr. Tharp Split the Pot
We are beginning to sell tickets for the annual “Fr. Tharp Split the Pot for St. Ann.” As in the past, we will sell tickets to the end of the calendar year. As the pot grows larger, interest swells. Encourage your friends and associates to buy early and buy often.
Little Flower Girls Club
One of our St. Ann Moms is looking into starting a “Little Flower Girls Club” at St. Ann. You can read about this Catholic program for school aged girls on the internet, but we also encourage you to attend a meeting at St. Ann Office Building Basement Meeting Room on Monday, October 30 at 7:00 p.m. We will need other Moms to help with the program, so come if you have a girl who might be interested and/or come if you are an adult woman interested in the program.
Fr. Tharp away on Tuesday Afternoons
For the past eight years, I have been given the opportunity to teach a class at the Seminary on Pastoral Administration. I teach a three hour class once each Tuesday afternoon between now and Christmas. Therefore, from now until Christmas, I will be unavailable by telephone and out of my office on Tuesday afternoons.
Reflection on Scripture
The vicissitudes in Matthew’s gospel are spoken by Jesus like a rabbi or teacher who is annoyed with the recalcitrance of his class. Jesus shows them in no uncertain terms that their statements of faith in God are negated by their actions. No doubt this is the origin of the old saying, “Practice what you preach!” Earlier in Matthew’s gospel (Mt. 5:1-12) we hear the beatitudes. These beatitudes are counterintuitive unless you think like a person of faith. They are also intended to comfort those who seek to approach life armed with faith in Jesus. The vicissitudes (Mt. 23:1-36) are a flat out condemnation of the behavior of the scribes and Pharisees. In a word, Jesus is saying: “Live like you believe the beatitudes! Avoid the “disconnect” between faith and action practiced by the scribes and Pharisees.” To be a real Christian, you must integrate faith with action. This is the root of morality.
Readings for the Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wis 6:12-16
1 Thes 4:13-18
Mt 25:1-13
Theme: Parable of the Ten Virgins