From the desk of Fr. Tharp

From the desk of Fr. Tharp

Third Sunday of Easter

Posted by Susan McAbee on 4/26/17

Discalced Carmelites Building Project

I am very proud of the rich tradition at St. Ann of being the home parish of many vocations of priests, deacons, brothers, lay ministers, and sisters for the Church.  You may recall Mary Jacquemin who became a vowed nun in the Order of the ... Read More »

Divine Mercy Sunday

Posted by Susan McAbee on 4/18/17

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

The pastoral region of St. Ann and Sacred Heart will celebrate the Chaplet of Divine Mercy this Sunday, April 23 at 3:00 p.m. at St. Ann Church.  Bring a rosary to count the decades.  If you wish to enhance your experience of celebrating the sung ... Read More »

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Posted by Susan McAbee on 4/11/17

Divine Mercy Sunday April 23

The Sunday after Easter used to be called “Low Sunday” in that it was less triumphant than Easter.  During the pontificate of Pope Saint John Paul II, the devotion begun by Sister (now Saint) Faustina of Poland became popularized by the Holy Father.  Today ... Read More »

Palm Sunday

Posted by Susan McAbee on 4/10/17

Holy Week Mass Schedule at Sacred Heart

Palm Sunday

Saturday, April 8  4:00 p.m.  Fr. Tharp

Sunday, April 9  8:00 a.m.  10:00 a.m.   12:00 p.m.  Fr. Adam

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday  7:30 a.m.  Fr. Tharp

Holy Thursday:  (No morning Mass)  Evening Mass of the Last Supper  7:00 p.m. Fr. Tharp

Good Friday:  (No morning ... Read More »

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Posted by Susan McAbee on 3/28/17

New Brass Altar Candles

You may have noticed the two new brass altar candles next to the Altar of Sacrifice.  These were purchased with funds from two special families who wish to remain anonymous.  Because of their generosity, we also have a beautiful new Easter Candle holder.  Even though ... Read More »

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Posted by Susan McAbee on 3/21/17

Pastoral Region Lenten Penance Service on April 5

The St. Ann / Sacred Heart Pastoral Region Penance Services for Lent will take place on Wednesday, April 5 at 7:00 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church.  Six priests will be available to hear confessions.  This will be your last and best ... Read More »

Third Sunday of Lent

Posted by Susan McAbee on 3/16/17

Open Listing of Two Employment Positions at St. Ann

Our Business Manager/Secretary at St. Ann, Susan McAbee, has indicated her desire to retire on July 1, 2017.    The Parish Council of St. Ann has decided to divide Susan’s job into two full time positions.  Position One is titled “Business ... Read More »

Second Sunday of Lent

Posted by Susan McAbee on 3/07/17

The Light is On Program

The Light is On Program will take place on March 14.  This program asks all pastors to have confessions available for the general public between the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. throughout the entire Archdiocese of Cincinnati.  This will be promoted in ... Read More »

First Sunday of Lent

Posted by Susan McAbee on 3/01/17

Lenten Services

St. Ann:  Stations of the Cross Friday Evenings (7:00 p.m.), March 3 – April 7.  Good Friday Service on Good Friday (7:00 p.m.) but no stations.

Sacred Heart:  Stations of the Cross Sunday afternoons (3:00 p.m.), March 5 – April 2.  NO stations on Palm Sunday afternoon.

... Read More »

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Susan McAbee on 2/23/17

Buildings for the Future

Please mark your calendar to come to St. Ann Church at 7:00 p.m. on March 2 (Thursday) to participate in a general parish meeting.  We will engage in a process of visioning for the future.  Here at St. Ann, we possess some buildings that are ... Read More »


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